Area Attractions

While staying with us in Panguitch Utah, you can find plenty of things to do in and around the area that will bring you memories to last a lifetime! Exploring the area is an adventure one must make at least once in a lifetime, however, the magnificent scenery, breathtaking rock formations and the spirit of the magical hoodoos just might bring you back to Panguitch year after year. As your eyes capture the awe-inspiring scenery of our National Parks and Monuments you can become speechless as your heart pounds in anticipation of what you will see next. To capture spectacular view to share with your family and friends - get up at the crack of down or visit one of the parks just before sunset, bring your camera, and get ready to experience some of the most breathtaking views imaginable!
Listed below are a few of the most popular attractions and things to see and do while staying with us. For more information step into our office and we will be more than happy to help you plan your trip. You can also visit the local visitor center and pick up maps and literature to help you find your ultimate destination.
Red Canyon
A must see while staying with us! Red Canyon is just moments from Bryce Canyon. Stop by the new visitor center which showcases the Dixie National Forest. If you enjoy hiking or biking you will find a trail that loops from the top to the bottom of the canyon. The trail runs along scenic Hwy. 12, which has recently been named an All-American Road. Shuttles and bike rentals are available near the canyon. For more information visit brycecanyoncountry.comBryce Canyon National Park
What beauty my eyes behold as I look out over the multi-colored art work that nature has provided for me to enjoy! I stand in awe at the passion of the creator, and try to comprehend the patience of having these towering formations evolve for millions of years, unfolding even more glory, year after year. As I stand gazing for miles at the towering archaeological formations, I realize that I am truly blessed to be here, at this moment, and cherish the gift which has been placed before me.Bryce Canyon National Park is known for having some of the most beautiful scenery throughout the world. Over 1.5 million people travel from all around the world to reach this destination to see the magnificent beauty of Bryce Canyon. It is an international hot spot for tourists and photographers alike.
What are the Hoodoos? A Hoodoo is a pillar of rock, usually of fantastic shape left by erosion. These formations called hoodoos have taken upwards of tens of millions of years to evolve into what we see them as today. These famous hoodoos are shaped, reshaped, and colored after millions of years of water, ice, run off, earthquakes, rivers, mudslides, wind and other kinds of erosions which formed the unique spirals.
These ancient sedimentation have vast differences in colors of deep reds, oranges, tans, and whites. It has taken millions of years to obtain all the different levels of sedimentary rocks, that show you different ages of this earth. As your eyes fall upon this magnificent display of color you will see something magical take place as the light and moisture captures and changes the awe inspiring colors of these towering rocks. On both western and eastern ends of Bryce you have two major water networks including both the Paria river valley (east), and Sevier (west). These long time drainage valleys had greatly contributed to the shaping of these beautiful landscaped treasures.